The VP4 Pneumatic Pump

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Mobile Leachate Treatment
Landfill leachate Leachate contains two main contaminants which can cause major pollution of rivers, streams and groundwater: Ammoniacal-Nitrogen - even very low concentrations can kill fish Dissolved   organic   compounds   measured   as   Chemical   Oxygen   Demand   (COD)   -   these   reduce   the   dissolved   oxygen   levels   in   water   courses   and   will   also   destroy   all   aquatic   organisms.Other   pollutants   commonly   found   in leachate include: Pesticides Metals Suspended solids Dissolved methane Additional process options include: Denitrification - for removal of nitrate Physico-Chemical Treatment (PCT) - for removal of metals Activated carbon adsorption - for removal of pesticides Solids separation - Clarifiers, Centrifuges, Sand Filters, Ultra-Filtration, Nano-Filtration, Reverse Osmosis Ecological Wetland Treatment Systems Viridian   can   offer   on-site   mobile   treatment   plants   capable   of   producing   effluent   that   can   be   safely   discharged   from   site   offering   a   considerable   cost   saving!   We   can   deliver,   install,   commission   and   operate   the   plant   on a site specific basis. The features of the plant can include Full Telemetry Package Continuous Ammonia Metering System Status Flows Pump Status Temperature Containerised Control Room AVAILABLE FOR HIRE OR PURCHASE
Is leachate disposal costing you a fortune? Is your leachate treatment plant under performing? Are you breaching your trade effluent discharge consent? A mobile treatment plant from Viridian could be the answer. We can provide leachate treatment solutions to meet your needs. Hire or Purchase!
Mobile plants can save you money! Our mobile treatment options could save you the expense of a permanent installation. Viridian     Systems     has     full     in     house     design capability   and   will   offer   on-going   technical   advice. and support during the duration of the hire.

A Range of Treatment


Viridian     Systems     range     of     mobile     leachate treatment   plants   can   be   hired   or   purchased.   We can    undertake    treatment    trials    to    ensure    the plant    offered    can    be    tailored    to    your    site requirements!
Viridian Systems Ltd. Unit 39 Wirral Business Centre Dock Road, Birkenhead Wirral, CH41 1JW Tel: +44 (0)151 639 8666 Fax: +44 (0)151 691 2279 Email:
Get in touch To find out more about Viridian Systems products and services please get in touch
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Is leachate disposal costing you a fortune? Is your leachate treatment plant under performing? Are you breaching your trade effluent discharge consent? A mobile treatment plant from Viridian could be the answer. We can provide leachate treatment solutions to meet your needs. Hire or Purchase!
Mobile plants can save you money! Our mobile treatment options could save you the expense of a permanent installation. Viridian   Systems   has   full   in   house   design   capability   and will   offer   on-going   technical   advice.   and   support   during the duration of the hire.

A Range of Treatment Options

Viridian    Systems    range    of    mobile    leachate    treatment plants   can   be   hired   or   purchased.   We   can   undertake treatment    trials    to    ensure    the    plant    offered    can    be tailored to your site requirements!
Landfill leachate Leachate   contains   two   main   contaminants   which   can cause     major     pollution     of     rivers,     streams     and groundwater: Ammoniacal-Nitrogen   -   even   very   low   concentrations can kill fish Dissolved   organic   compounds   measured   as   Chemical Oxygen   Demand   (COD)   -   these   reduce   the   dissolved oxygen   levels   in   water   courses   and   will   also   destroy all    aquatic    organisms.Other    pollutants    commonly found in leachate include; Pesticides Metals Suspended solids Dissolved methane Additional process options include; Denitrification - for removal of nitrate Physico-Chemical Treatment (PCT) - for removal of metals Activated carbon adsorption - for removal of pesticides Solids separation - Clarifiers, Centrifuges, Sand Filters, Ultra-Filtration, Nano-Filtration, Reverse Osmosis Ecological Wetland Treatment Systems Viridian    can    offer    on-site    mobile    treatment    plants capable    of    producing    effluent    that    can    be    safely discharged    from    site    offering    a    considerable    cost saving!    We    can    deliver,    install,    commission    and operate the plant on a site specific basis. The features of the plant can include; Full Telemetry Package Continuous Ammonia Metering System Status Flows Pump Status Temperature Containerised Control Room AVAILABLE FOR HIRE OR PURCHASE
Get in touch To find out more about Viridian Systems products and services please get in touch
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The VP4 Pneumatic Pump

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Mobile Leachate Treatment
Landfill leachate Leachate contains two main contaminants which can cause major pollution of rivers, streams and groundwater: Ammoniacal-Nitrogen - even very low concentrations can kill fish Dissolved   organic   compounds   measured   as   Chemical   Oxygen   Demand   (COD)   -   these   reduce   the   dissolved   oxygen   levels   in   water   courses   and   will   also   destroy   all aquatic organisms.Other pollutants commonly found in leachate include: Pesticides Metals Suspended solids Dissolved methane Additional process options include: Denitrification - for removal of nitrate Physico-Chemical Treatment (PCT) - for removal of metals Activated carbon adsorption - for removal of pesticides Solids separation - Clarifiers, Centrifuges, Sand Filters, Ultra-Filtration, Nano-Filtration, Reverse Osmosis Ecological Wetland Treatment Systems Viridian   can   offer   on-site   mobile   treatment   plants   capable   of   producing   effluent   that   can   be   safely   discharged   from   site   offering   a   considerable   cost   saving!   We   can deliver, install, commission and operate the plant on a site specific basis. The features of the plant can include Full Telemetry Package Continuous Ammonia Metering System Status Flows Pump Status Temperature Containerised Control Room AVAILABLE FOR HIRE OR PURCHASE
Is leachate disposal costing you a fortune? Is your leachate treatment plant under performing? Are you breaching your trade effluent discharge consent? A mobile treatment plant from Viridian could be the answer. We can provide leachate treatment solutions to meet your needs. Hire or Purchase!
Mobile plants can save you money! Our mobile treatment options could save you the expense of a permanent installation. Viridian   Systems   has   full   in   house design   capability   and   will   offer   on- going      technical      advice.      and support   during   the   duration   of   the hire.

A Range of Treatment


Viridian   Systems   range   of   mobile leachate   treatment   plants   can   be hired     or     purchased.     We     can undertake     treatment     trials     to ensure   the   plant   offered   can   be tailored         to         your         site requirements!
Viridian Systems Ltd. Unit 39 Wirral Business Centre Dock Road, Birkenhead Wirral, CH41 1JW Tel: +44 (0)151 639 8666 Fax: +44 (0)151 691 2279 Email:
Get in touch To find out more about Viridian Systems products and services please get in touch
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